About Us
The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) is the only entity that receives and administers all Global Fund grants to Nigeria on behalf of the government and the people of Nigeria. The Federal Government, through the Federal Ministry of Health, catalyzed the creation of CCM Nigeria in March 2002.
CCM membership includes the representatives of all sectors involved in the response to HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria such as government, civil society, faith-based organizations, multilateral and bilateral agencies, nongovernmental organizations, people living with and affected by the diseases, key and vulnerable populations, the private sector and technical agencies.
History of CCM
- CCM Nigeria is registered with the CAC to be eligible to receive funding support directly from Global Fund.
- CCM is the only recognized entity that can access the global fund grant on behalf of Nigeria.
- The GoN Facilitated the establishment of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), Nigeria in March 2002. CCM is a partnership of members from the public, private and civil society sectors.
The core functions of CCM
Coordination of the development and submission of the national Funding Request/Proposal /Application Concept Notes to the Global Fund
Ensuring sustainability and country ownership of the interventions financed by GF resources through improved domestic health financing.
Selection, nomination of the Principal Recipient(s) of Global Fund Grant and Approving any reprogramming of Global Fund grants activities and submission of requests for continued funding to the Global Fund.
Overseeing the implementation and appropriate closure of the approved Global Fund grants.
Constituency Engagement
Constituency engagement through consistent flow of information between the CCM and population groups and stakeholders represented by its members..
Linkages & consistency
Ensure linkages and consistency between the Global Fund financed programs and other national health and development programs
CCM Nigeria is a legal entity with a constitution that guides its operations and that of its members. The CCM Constitution outlines the rules and regulations for its operations in Nigeria. It includes details relating to CCM structure, the rights and duties of its members, and the processes for making decisions. The CCM’s constitution serves as a foundation for its governance and helps to ensure that CCM operates in a fair, transparent, and efficient manner.
CCM Composition
More about CCM Nigeria is further broken down into the following.