
Tuberculosis Grant

In collaboration with the Global Fund and other partners, Nigeria began implementing an ambitious plan to expand access to Tuberculosis (TB) services in 2019. Despite COVID-19 disruptions, Nigeria was one of the few countries in the world in 2020 that reported an increase in TB case notification over the previous year. The country also recorded a 50% increase in the number of people treated with TB between 2020 and 2021. To fight drug-resistant TB, the Global Fund is encouraging and supporting countries to transition to shorter oral regimens for drug-resistant TB, which are more effective. Between 2020 and 2021, the number of people treated for TB in the countries where the Global Fund invests rose by about 12%, with those treated for drug-resistant TB rising by 9%, as countries mitigated the impact of COVID-19 on treatment programs.

Principal Recipients of the Tuberculosis Grant

Lagos State Ministry of Health Nigeria


National Tuberculosis & Leprosy Control Programme


Sub-Recipients of the Tuberculosis Grant

Association for Reproductive and Family Health


Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria


Tuberculosis Foundation Nigeria


The Leprosy Mission Nigeria


German Leprosy and TB Relief Association Nigeria


Damian Foundation


Until No Leprosy Remain


All the States in Nigeria